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Varsity Theater


Varsity Theater

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Varsity Theater

from $30.00

This small town movie theater built in 1928 was the perfect size for the new sound era. The giant theaters built like Versailles castles could not amplify the sound to fill their vast space. They were doomed. Here the Arabian Nights fantasy decor complete with stars in the ceiling suggesting Rudolph Valentino might sail in on a carpet any minute set a romantic mood even before the film started. By the late 1980’s it was failing and the magic interior became a GAP storage area. It was demolished in 2023.


Economy (8 x 10 inches) - $30
Very nice affordable print.

Standard (11 x 14 inches) - $42
Excellent quality print, using premium papers and inks. Ready for framing.

Archival (17 x 22 inches) - $165
Museum quality Giclée print on fine art paper and fade-free inks.
Each print individually made, inspected and hand-signed by the artist.

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